Directories used by smallCharts
Program directory
The directory where the program is installed and started from.
The directory can be anywhere, for example on a file server.
The directory can be read-only.
There can be a provider instruments file which is used initially by the program.
Data directory
The default directory for data files (CSV or Excel).
When a data file was successfully read, that directory will be the data directory.
When data files are dropped on the window, the data directory does not change.
The directory can be anywhere and can be read-only.
Initially this is the user's home directory (USERPROFILE).
The chart directory is remembered in the registry at
HKCU\Software\Smalltalked Visuals\smallCharts\“Customer”\DataDirectory
Chart directory
The default directory when saving and updating charts.
The directory is changed by using the system file dialog (see picture).
When a Chart is successfully saved, that directory will be the chart directory.
When charts are dropped on the window, the chart directory does not change.
The directory can be anywhere and has to be writeable.
Initially this is the data directory.
The chart directory is remembered in the registry at
HKCU\Software\Smalltalked Visuals\smallCharts\“Customer”\ChartDirectory

Work directory
Internal files for smallCharts: instrument lists and log files.
The directory has to be writeable.
It is in the users application data directory: %AppData%\smallCharts\“Customer”
Because the directory cannot be reached easily with the Windows Explorer, a help menu item allows to open it:

Provider instruments file(s)
smallCharts remembers interesting provider instruments with user given names.
Each provider uses a different file. for example Bloomberg uses the file BloombergInstruments.txt.
This file is updated whenever an instrument is remembered or forgotten.
When the program is startet for the first time, the file is read from the program directory.
If the program is started more than once, the file will be overwritten by each running program. This should be avoided.
Log files
When unexpected errors occur, some information about the error is written to an error log file: smallChartsError.log.
The errors are appended at the end of the file, so that no error will be lost.
With time the file will grow larger and larger. Therefore it is a good idea to move the file to some other place or delete it after you send me a copy to fix the problems.
Also, other log files are saved in this directory.