  • smallCharts used by BusinessNewssmallCharts used by BusinessNews
  • smallCharts used by BILANZsmallCharts used by BILANZ
  • smallCharts used by CASH dailysmallCharts used by CASH daily
  • smallCharts used by €uro am SonntagsmallCharts used by €uro am Sonntag
  • smallCharts used by €uro am SonntagsmallCharts used by €uro am Sonntag
  • smallCharts used by HandelsblattsmallCharts used by Handelsblatt
  • smallCharts used by HandelszeitungsmallCharts used by Handelszeitung
  • smallCharts used by vwdsmallCharts used by vwd
  • smallCharts used by Süddeutsche ZeitungsmallCharts used by Süddeutsche Zeitung
  • smallCharts used by Die TelebörsesmallCharts used by Die Telebörse

is produced by
Smalltalked Visuals GmbH
Willy-Brandt-Allee 31c
23554 Lübeck

Data file formats

smallCharts can read data from CSV or Excel files which follow these rules:

  • Each row defines one data point
  • Empty rows are ignored
  • Fields are separated by semicolon (;), tab or comma (,)
  • The first column(s) must have a time (date or timestamp)
  • The remaining columns have numbers
  • Rows at the beginning without a time are headers
  • Rows at the end without a time are ignored
  • Rows with a time but no numbers are ignored
  • A row with the same time as the previous overwrites the previous

Possible forms of a time

Format Input Result
date with 3 numbers for day, month and year 12.8.2012 12.8.2012 00:00
A starting 0 is allowed 12.08.2012 12.8.2012 00:00
The separator can be anything 12/08/2012 12.8.2012 00:00
or 12-08-2012 12.8.2012 00:00
The number must be in the order DD.MM.YYYY 31.12.2012 31.12.2012 00:00
The american order MM.DD.YYYY cannot be used 12.31.2012
The year may have 2 digits 12.8.12 12.8.2012 00:00
A 2-digit year is in the last century, if more than [today + 10] 12.8.23 12.8.1923 00:00
date with month name 12-Aug-2012 12.8.2012 00:00
timestamp (date + time) 12-Aug-2012 18:37 12.8.2012 18:37
year 2012 31.12.2012 00:00
2-digit year 12 31.12.2012 00:00
year and a month in the first 2 columns 2012;8 31.8.2012 00:00
quarter 2012Q3 30.9.2012 00:00

Dates without a specific day are used as the last day of the period (month, quarter or year).


Fields can be quoted with when they contain the seperator a quote or a newline.

'2012,8,“2,5”' is read as |31.8.2012|2,5|


Simple data file
The basic format of a smallCharts data file
Simple data file
... as CSV